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You Are Worthy.

If we are Facebook friends, you may have seen me re-post a blog from a while ago about the Extreme Weight Loss Edition with Brandi. In my post, I referred to this past weekend of dress shopping, and the body-shaming to which I succumbed myself based on a couple of silly sizes. Totally not my brand, huh? Over the last couple of months, in true Mallory fashion, I have spent time and energy on things other than fitness. While I like to think that I take health in to consideration most days, the truth is that I don’t always, and these last few months are no exception.

I was extremely grateful last summer to be chosen to participate in the BeachBody CIZE test group, where I worked out five days a week with an awesome group of uplifting people (and occasionally ShaunT), and consequently, maintained a healthy diet regime, too. In total, I lost roughly 18 pounds, and, for the most part, I felt like a million dollars. My goal is always to feel my best, and to be proud of what I see in the mirror. I think we often lose sight of how to stay within that goal, and stop focusing on the little things like whether or not our thighs touch or our arms jiggle. By the way, mine do both.

Yesterday I got on the scale, officially fed-up (yet again) with my lack of attention to health. I have gained 10 lbs since January! I blame my discovery of Shake Shack “Chicken Shack,” and our thriving Hell’s Kitchen social circle (I’m lookin’ at allllll of you). Kidding. Kidding! Yesterday, I spent a millisecond being mad at myself for said weight gain. But yesterday I also reminded myself that I am worthy, and my weight, once again, does not define me.

For the longest time I used to self-sabotage, and it was my mother, in fact, who once pointed it out to me. The question, “Why don’t you feel worthy?” sticks with me, and it’s something that I had/have to answer for myself.  I mentioned in a Vlog once that my dear friend Tommy introduced me to the ‘5 Why’ system of getting to the root of an issue. Since then, I have used it often. Why am I neglecting my health? What are my priorities? What can I do to improve? Now, it’s about acknowledging that some changes need to happen before I deem it “too late.”

In the fall, I was excited to have the opportunity to share my speech about being #bodypositive at a Women’s Health Conference in Minnesota.  The theme of my speech was The Pendulum Swing: Reality vs. Expectation. The basis? What we expect, of ourselves or even others, is very rarely reality. Some times we focus heavily on health or family, and others we may focus on faith and relationships. Our personal pendulums swing in one direction or another, and that’s o.k.  

So today, I just want to remind you that you are worthy. Whatever obstacle or self-doubt you are facing… stop. You deserve to be the best version of you, or to live the life you have imagined, and if you think no one else thinks so… you’re wrong. Whichever direction your pendulum is currently swinging, so be it. But if you want to change, you have the power to do so.

Feel free to contact me for a pep talk. <3

Until next time,
